The Journey of journaling

Image of a man looking outside from a window

Have you tried journaling? It’s a very open ended question as journaling can be done however you want to do it. I heard about the benefits of journaling but I didn’t know how to start. 

I looked up a few ways and found a system that worked for me and then I built upon it. Two years on I have a series of questions that have really helped look inside myself and help me have the best possible day. 

I have put two options. The first is really simple, the second takes a bit more time but is worth it once you have mastered the first stage. 

I recommend getting a quality A4 sketch pad and coloured pens/markers.

Simple version

Start your journal in the morning and finish before you go to bed when you will have more to add. 

In the morning (the earlier the better, this is the first thing I do.. other than make a coffee) find some quiet time and do the following in your journal.

  1. Find an inspirational quote that resonates with you and write it at the top of the page. I get mine from books I’m reading, courses I’m doing or quote websites like brainyquote... or you could just look at my daily quote from my stories on instagram and Facebook 😀

  2. Write the date in the middle then mindmap 3 different sections, writing your answers in as few a words as possible:

    1. What would make today good - Write down 5 actions you want to get done today that will make you happy

    2. Gratitude - Write down as many things as you want that you are grateful for.

    3. What was amazing about today - For me this could be some great food, conversation, coffee, learning. Anything that got you really buzzed

At the end of the day, add to the gratitude and amazing section. Have a look at the 5 actions you set yourself and see if you did them. If not ask yourself why and what stopped you.

Thats it. Simple but powerful. If you have time, add little pictures and doodles to make it uniquely yours. Feel free to add something or take something away if it doesn’t serve you.

The advanced version is the same as above but you ask yourself the questions below and write the answers down in sentences. I do this on the opposite page to my mindmap.


  1. What and whom are you grateful for? - Building on what you already wrote on your mindmap. I like to write a little on my friendships, how I’m growing and qualities I am working on.

  2. What am I excited about and looking forward to today?

  3. What is my purpose (life vision) and do my plans for today connect me to it?

  4. How can I move the dial towards my goals today?

  5. To whom can I reach out and serve or thank today?

  6. Are my goals aligned with my purpose?

  7. What am I doing today for the person I will be in 3 years time?


  1. Was I “on” and in the zones today or off and unbalanced?

  2. What contributed to this feeling?

  3. What were the top 3 positive things that i accomplished or that happened today? What did I learn from them?

  4. Are there unresolved challenges I would like my subconscious mind to help me solve tonight? (Sounds mad but works.. just say it out loud like “subconscious mind, show me how to....)

  5. What went wrong and is there a silver lining?

This takes more time but really helps work with your life vision and keeps your growth on track. Again feel free to add something or take something away.

Feel free to e-mail or DM me any questions you have. Happy journaling! 


The power of strength