Why Would You Want To Go Vegan?
Why would someone choose to go vegan? Everyone has their own journey to travel and their own reason why. Here is how things changed for me.
It started at the beginning of 2019, when I just wanted to incorporate more vegetables in my life. I found the vegetarian food tasty but I didn’t feel much better for it, as I was mostly replacing meat with cheese and cream, so my vegetable and nutrient intake didn’t really increase.
I then read Men’s Health magazine article, where I read an interview with professional footballer Chris Smalling. He shared that he was on a plant-based diet. This really surprised me as my perception of a vegan was not someone who would be performing at the elite level of sport (little did I know!). I was very wrong as the interview also revealed that my favourite footballer of all time, Lionel Messi, was also vegan!
This really got me curious and I started looking into the health benefits of a plant-based diet. I did my research on what nutrients I would need, how those could be incorporated into my meals and where I would be getting my protein from.
I was still eating meat at this time but just two or three times a week rather than every day. I then started to enjoy plant-based meals more than the dishes with meat. I found those dishes without meat were more satisfying to me and left me feeling more energised and healthier. At no point did I say I was going to stop eating meat, I just lost the desire to eat it and I haven’t eaten any meat, dairy or eggs since May 2019.
I think the approach I had helped me transition as I was never trying to force or deny myself. I was simply making a choice. This is a choice I continue to make every day and I feel all the better for it. I can easily say that as I approach my 40th birthday I am in the healthiest shape of my life physically, mentally and spiritually.
If anyone wants to give it a go I would encourage a “one step at a time” approach. Don’t feel that you have to go all in at the very beginning. For me just starting to incorporate more vegetables in your diet is a great place to start. Maybe have a few meals a week that don’t incorporate any meat, dairy or eggs, just to see if you find the food nourishing and tasty.
People say “I couldn’t go vegan” and I was one of them. Just swapping a few meals a week to plant based options can do wonders for you and the planet, without having to go vegan.
Everyone is different and has their own journey. Never feel that you have to do something. I found coming from a place of choice can help. Maybe at some point you will start choosing more options for your health, for your future, for the planet and for animals. And that’s not necessarily just about a diet. There’s no “have to”. Everything is a choice.
No matter where you are, just know that you’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got and I wish you the best of luck.
With love and compassion Jamie 💜